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Community Calendar
Book Sale - Friends of the Madison-Mayodan Library, Burton Street, September 11-15.
Tri-County American Cancer Relay For Life - Wentworth Park, NC 87, Reidsville, Saturday, September 14, 4-8 pm.
50th Annual Stokes Stomp - Moratock Park, Danbury, Saturday, September 14, 9 am-6:30 pm. Parade, vendors, food trucks, kids activities, river fun. Free event.
Eden, Madison-Mayodan, Rockingham County Senior Games - Tri-Team pickleball fundraiser tournament, Mill Avenue Recreation Center, Eden, Saturday, September 14. All levels of play. $25 per person.
Movie Night - Downtown Madison, Saturday, September 14. Meet and Greet, 7 pm; 'Dirty Dancing' starts around 7:30 pm.
ZigBash - Live music festival for Hospice, Farris Memorial Park, Mayodan, Saturday, Setpember 14, 12-7 pm. Music, food trucks, handcraft vendors. In memory of Donnie Ziglar. Donations to Ancora Compassionate Care, Rockingham County.
National Voter Registration Day - Rockingham County Board of Elections, Cherokee Camp Road, Reidsville, Tuesday, Septemer 17, 9 am-3 pm.
Rockingham County Candidates Forum - Rockingham Community College Auditorium, Monday, September 30, 6 pm; networking 5:30 pm. Sponsored by Eden, Western Rockingham and Reidsville Chambers of Commerce.
LOT 2540 - New location, 103 Stone Street, Stoneville. This ministry provides hungar relief services across Rockingham County.
Uptown Cruisers - Henry Street Municipal Parking Lot, Eden, Friday, October 4, 6-9 pm. Classic cars, DJ, 50/50 drawing, merchants open late.
Free Music Jam - Lucky City Brewing, Gilmer Street, Reidsville, every Thursday 7-10 pm. Local players and songwriters invited.
Knit and Crochet - Garden of Eden Senior Center, Orchard Drive, every Monday, 11 am. All levels welcome.
Rockit In Reidsville - Downtown parking lot, Gilmer Street, second Fridays, all summer, 5-7:30 pm. Music, food, kids zone, shopping.
Special Occasion Band - Market Square, Downtown Reidsville, Satruday, September 28, 7-9 pm. Free admission, food.
FAB Festival - Food, Art, Brew, Market Square, Reidsville, Saturday, October 19, 11 am-7 pm, feturing The Band of Oz, 5 pm.
Ultimate Battle Grounds - Eden Venture Business Park, East Meadow Road, Saturday, November 2.
Deep Sky Viewing - Mayo River State Park, Old Mayo River Park Road, Business 220, Mayodan, Saturday, September 28, 7-9 pm.
Weekly Hispanic Bible Study - First Church of the Brethren, Church Street, Eden, Thursday, 7 pm.
Life's Blessings Soup Kitchen is open every Wednesday and Saturday for a hot meal, 145 North Fieldcrest Road, Eden, 11:30 am-1 pm.
Solace Seekers - Church of The Epiphany, Henry Street, Eden, every third Thursday, 5:30 pm. A support group for those seeking comfort and solace.
FamilySearch Center - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, NC 14, Eden, Tuesday, 1-4 pm, Wednesday, 4-7 pm. Trained consultants are available free to help with your genealogy questions.
Western Rockingham Youth Ministry - 5th-12th grades, West Hunter Street, Madison, Sunday, 5:30-7 pm.
Stoneville Senior Citizens Meeting - Vera Holland Center, Main Street, every Wednesday, 11 am.
Music and Dancing - American Legion and VFW, North 12th Avenue, Mayodan, every Friday, 7-10 pm. $5 donation at the door. Concessions, 50/50 drawing.